I already bought courses in the past. What happens to my account?

We would never forget our veteran members!

All accounts that have unlocked courses for the app will have unlimited access to the courses they bought. This means no Energy has to be used for exercising a course.

We also felt that the course system will be improved by restructuring and renaming the extension courses:

  • Intelligence 1 -> Intelligence

  • Intelligence 2 -> Reasoning

  • Concentration 1 -> Focus

  • Concentration 2 -> Perception

  • Memory 1 -> Memory

  • Memory 2 -> Fluency

For example, if you bought Concentration 2, you can train the course "Perception" with zero Energy cost.

Also, from now on, you will not be bound to any schedules, but you can train the exercises within a training (the new term instead of courses) freely. 

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